Review: Bourjois Volume Clubbing Ultra Black Mascara

We all have that one product that we rate above all others, right? I definitely have mine in Bourjois Volume Clubbing mascara.

I've spent years trying to find the right mascara to give me full, thick and defined 1960s lashes, and nothing has really fulfilled my wishes. Maybelline's Volum'Express smudged under my eyes constantly (even the supposed waterproof version), 17's Va Va Voom didn't actually have that much va va voom, and L'Oreal's Million Lashes ripped all mine out whenever I removed it. Considering I first used and loved Volume Clubbing four-ish years ago, I really wonder why I strayed to any other mascaras.

Volume Clubbing is a thick, gloopy mascara on a seriously thick and chunky brush - might sound like a recipe for clumpy, heavy lashes, but there is magic within. Somehow, this translates to full, thick and defined lashes both top and bottom, with no clumps or mess!

Volume Clubbing was tested for resistance by clubbers and ravers, and when I used the original version, I found that it didn't budge until you wanted it to. This version is the Ultra Black, and I can safely say it's exactly the same in terms of resistance and staying power. I have a real problem with mascara slipping off my lashes and smudging under my eyes, but this isn't an issue here. The best bit is, it doesn't hurt/rip lashes out when removing - it actually comes off very easily! Bourjois promise a dramatic look, extreme volume and ultra resistance with Volume Clubbing, and I think they deliver on every aspect. I know I definitely won't be straying again!

What's your favourite mascara?

Laura Jayne xox


  1. I keep picking up this product up and unsure to buy it. You've tipped me over to try it :) Looks gorgeous on you!


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