all that counts is here and now

It's been a long long time.


But I really want to keep up to date with this blog, so I'm going to do my best to keep this one lovely and make it something you'll hopefully want to read. So here goes...!

(And yes, I'm sorry but the title of this song is from The Wanted. But it's catchy.)

So. I have been living in my wonderful flat right bang smack in the middle of Glasgow for around eight months now and I absolutely love it. Glasgow is such a vibrant city; it's a terrible shame that it gets negative press, when the city centre and the West End are so fabulous. Uni is great too, I'm in my third year and get my degree in Commercial Music in June, although I will be staying on for Honours next year too. I'm a fashion writer for an online magazine, Offers Boutique, too - so please take the time to have a read if you like!

But onwards. I've decided a good place to take photos is on my balcony; we're on the third floor and are the only apartment in the complex to have a balcony, so I want to make the most of it and make the neighbours jealous!!

So, today's outfit. It's nothing special, as I wasn't planning on doing much today. I did some coursework for uni, then headed out to buy a 21st present for a friend. There's this amazing place which sells Urban Outfitters past stock, brand new, so I went there and got her a coral necklace stand, a hip flask and a silver bracelet, for around £5! Wonderful. I also got myself a French vintage cocktail shaker and this beautiful silver butter dish in the shape of an oyster, which I've obviously filled with pearls!

(Dress - Warehouse, Belt - Vintage)

Sorry for quite a chatty post, but sometimes you just need a catch up! Speak soon - I promise.

Laura Jayne xox


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