I had to go back to Primark and exchange the bikini bottoms I bought, and on the way in I passed the clutch/evening bag I'd been deliberating, and I decided that sod it, I'm having it. So here it is! I love the mix of colours, the black and white will make sure this bag goes with anything and the bright pop of coral really peps it up! There's an optional chain strap (well, not really optional - the only option is to tuck it inside the bag, it is Primark after all!) and I think the lock is quite secure. I intended to save this for the holiday but it's so cool, I might have to use it early! It's just £7 as well, so hardly breaking the bank...
I also took advantage of the Boots 3 for 2 offer to get some make-up essentials, but then I realised I only needed two things, so the third product was just for fun. I've been looking for a cheap version of the rose gold blusher Kate from Gh0stparties wore and this one from the Collection might do the job!

And now for a gratuitous face shot...
Hope you're all having a lovely Sunday!
Laura Jayne xox
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