
For being a pants blogger. 

But everything is just running away with me just now - a whirlwind of exams now I'm in third year, and also my exams for my night class too, plus a pile of coursework that's terrifying to look at. Add to that the pressure of a new job starting, the possibility of interviewing for a job that could be career-changing (meaning possibly leaving uni before Honours... eek!) and finding a new flat too... Ah me.

So blogging will have to take a bit of a backseat until exams are kind of done with and coursework is sent away and the flat is finalised and all the rest of the hoo-ha is dealt with. Methinks May is going to be a stressful month; absolutely cannot wait until my holiday in July! But I will be trying my best to fit in some posts here and there, and will keep up to date with my Twitter (because I'm a little bit addicted...!) so you can hear from me @laurajaynesings if you'd like to :)

Until then, have fun and be happy!

Laura Jayne xox


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